py-testtools | Extensions to the Python standard library unit testing framework | |
py-testtools24 | Extensions to the Python standard library unit testing framework (python 2.x) | |
py-thrift | Python bindings for the Apache Thrift RPC system | |
py-tlsh | Fuzzy matching library | |
py-toolz | List processing tools and functional utilities | |
py-tortoisehg | GUI for Mercurial | |
py-tox | Virtualenv-based automation of test activities | |
py-traceback2 | Backport of the traceback module to older Python versions | |
py-traitlets | Traitlets Python config system | |
py-traitlets4 | Traitlets Python config system | |
py-treq | HTTP library for Twisted | |
py-trio | Friendly Python library for async concurrency and I/O | |
py-tryton | Three-tiers high-level general purpose application platform | |
py-trytond | Tryton server | |
py-tubes | Data-processing and flow-control engine for event-driven programs | |
py-txaio | Compatibility API between asyncio/Twisted/Trollius | |
py-txgithub | GitHub API client using Twisted | |
py-txrequests | Asynchronous Python HTTP Requests for Humans | |
py-typed-ast | Optional static typing for Python | |
py-typeguard | Python run-time type checking library | |
py-types-setuptools | Typing stubs for setuptools | |
py-types-toml | Typing stubs for toml | |
py-types-ujson | Typing stubs for ujson | |
py-typing | Type Hints for Python | |
py-typing-extensions | Backported and Experimental Type Hints for Python | |
py-typing-inspect | Runtime inspection utilities for typing module | |
py-unit | Unit testing framework for python | |
py-unitgui | Unit testing framework for python tk | |
py-unittest-mixins | Helpful mixins for unittest classes | |
py-unittest2 | New features in unittest backported to Python 2.4+ | |
py-unittest2pytest | Tool to rewrite Python unittest into pytest test cases | |
py-unpaddedbase64 | Encode and decode Base64 without = padding | |
py-urwid | Curses-based Python user interface library | |
py-usb | Python interface to USB via libusb | |
py-utils | Some convenient utilities not included with standard Python | |
py-uuid | UUID object and generation functions | |
py-uvloop | Fast implementation of asyncio event loop on top of libuv | |
py-vcversioner | Use version control tags to discover version numbers | |
py-vine | Special implementation of promises | |
py-virtualenv | Virtual Python Environment builder | |
py-visitor | Tiny pythonic visitor implementation | |
py-wasm | WebAssembly decoder & disassembler | |
py-wcwidth | Measures number of Terminal column cells of wide-character codes | |
py-wheel | Built-package format for Python | |
py-whichcraft | Cross-platform cross-python shutil.which functionality | |
py-wrapt | Python module for decorators, wrappers and monkey patching | |
py-xbe | Python 3 library to work with .xbe files | |
py-xdg | Python library for XDG | |
py-xdis | Python cross-version byte-code disassembler and marshal routines | |
py-xopen | Open compressed files transparently | |
py-yapf | Python files formatter | |
py-zanata-python-client | Zanata translation service client written in Python | |
py-zc.lockfile | Basic inter-process locks | |
py-zconfig | Configuration library | |
py-zhCodecs (V) | Python Unicode codecs for Chinese charsets | |
py-zope.deferredimport | Imports names that will only be resolved when used in the code | |
py-zope.deprecation | Zope hookable | |
py-zope.exceptions | Zope testing helpers | |
py-zope.hookable | Zope hookable | |
py-zope.testing | Zope testing helpers | |
py-ZopeComponent | Zope Component Architecture modules | |
py-ZopeConfiguration | Zope Configuration Markup Language | |
py-ZopeEvent | Very basic event publishing system | |
py-ZopeI18NMessageid | Zope Message Identifiers for internationalization | |
py-ZopeInterface | The zope.interface package used in Zope 3 and Twisted | |
py-ZopeSchema | Zope Interface extension for defining data schemas | |
py-ZopeTestrunner | Zope testrunner script | |
pycharm-bin | JetBrain\'s python IDE | |
pythontidy | Cleans up, regularizes, and reformats the text of Python scripts | |
qbzr | GUI front end for Bazaar | |
qconf | Configure script generator for qmake | |
qjson | Qt library for handling JSON data | |
qore-uuid-module | UUID module for Qore | |
qtscriptgenerator | Tool that generates Qt bindings for Qt Script | |
quilt | Tools to manage series of patches | |
R-assertthat | Easy pre and post assertions | |
R-BH | Boost C++ header files | |
R-bindr | Parametrized active bindings | |
R-bit | Class for vectors of 1-bit booleans | |
R-bit64 | S3 class for vectors of 64-bit integers | |
R-blob | Simple S3 class for representing vectors of binary data ('BLOBS') | |
R-brio | Basic R Input Output | |
R-cachem | Cache R Objects with Automatic Pruning | |
R-callr | Call R from R | |
R-caTools | Tools: Moving Window Statistics, GIF, Base64, ROC AUC, etc | |
R-checkmate | Fast and versatile argument checks | |
R-cli | Helpers for developing command line interfaces | |
R-cliapp | Create Rich Command Line Applications | |
R-clipr | Read and write from the system clipboard | |
R-covr | Test Coverage for Packages | |
R-crayon | Colored terminal output | |
R-cyclocomp | Cyclomatic Complexity of R Code | |
R-desc | Manipulate DESCRIPTION files | |
R-devtools | Tools to make developing R packages easier | |
R-diffobj | Diffs for R Objects | |
R-diffr | Display Differences Between Two Files using Codediff Library | |
R-disposables | Create Disposable R Packages for Testing | |
R-evaluate | Parsing and evaluation tools | |
R-fansi | ANSI control sequence aware string functions | |
R-fastmap | Fast Data Structures |